Just upgraded my cable to Cox Ultimate (64MB download & 6MB upload).
Still having HUGE issues with digital distortion.
My band mate is in California, I am in Phoenix.
He can hear me with no issue.
I hear a bloody mess with distortion.
We are both on same firmware (1.0 U)
Not sure what the heck is going on.
i spent a ton of money upgrading my cable service and am very frustrated.
We tried all sample rates down to 8khz and highest latency with no go.
Dropped packets at the time were 32, late =0, overuns=4, underruns=10. No saturation.
Any help is appreciated.
We tried tonight between Phoenix and West Texas. My buddy also has Cox Ultimate and I have Suddenlink with 2 Mbps upload and we both have a ton of distortion almost like electronic interference - it was bad. Has anybody found a solution yet?
Please help
When we drop the sample rate down to 16Mhz the distortion goes away for us - we've now jammed twice and it worked great after we figured out to do that. They really should change the default away from 48Mhz. We occasionally get very short drop outs (maybe 3x in a 2-hour period), but very tolerable and the sound has been fine.