Hi, I've set up the session with my bass player and JamLink mixer shows that we are jamming, but there seems to be no sound at either end. Both of us can hear ourselves in headphones, but not each other. Is there anything I am doing wrong? I also tried to downgrade the firmware to 0.7 - did not help. Help anyone?
we switched to UDP instead of "both" protocols. It worked when we made the switch.
When jamLink users connect but can not hear the remote player(s) in their headphones, they often have a port mapping issue in their home router.
Configuring port mapping varies from router to router, but is relatively easy to do.
1. determine the IP address of your jamLink by looking at your router's dhcp table and matching the jamLink MAC address with the corresponding IP address entry in the dhcp table.
2. set an IP address reservation in your router's dhcp table for the IP address of the jamLink which you just discovered.
3. map UDP/TCP port 4464 internal and external to the IP of the jamLink which you just found in your dhcp table and reserved for the jamLink in your dhcp reservations list.
These are just the very basic steps you need to take to create the port mapping to your jamLink in your router. If you have trouble doing this, please give us a call or send us an email requesting a time to have one of us walk you through the setup.
After configuring our routers on both ends as described above, we still have no sound at either end. Something is still strange though. I will show up in the mixer panel on the other end but they are not showing up in mine. when I click on their user name to request a jam session, either nothing happens or I get a message that they are already jamming, but they still don't show up in my mixer panel.. any suggestions?
...and I'm blaming my router. I have a Linksys WRT54GS with the Gargoyle operating system on it. It's a really cool way to bring this older router back to being useful, but I am betting the firewall function of it is breaking the JamLink's functionality.
It just so happens I have a new Linksys E2000 that I am going to try next. I'll post back here if I get it working.